商品资源数字化匹配交易中心 Commodity Resource Digital Matching Trading Center
18983263234 工作日:9:00-18:00 weekday:9:00-18:00 {{isChinese? '企业入驻申请':'Enterprise Entry Application'}}
{{isChinese? '英文':'中文'}}
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Intended to address sales, procurement, and other needs for enterprises


Realize digital matching and efficient trading of commodity resources

{{isChinese? '了解更多':'
Please use WeChat mini program or computer to enter the enterprise

{{isChinese? '项目核心技术':'Project core technology'}}


With the support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and several digital research institutions, the "Digital (International) Matching and Trading System for Commodity Resources" has emerged as the times require

  • 区块链底层技术架构

    Blockchain underlying technology architecture

    以商品价值单向需求为条件形成 交易闭环

    Forming a transaction loop based on one-way demand for commodity value

  • 以企业商品资源为基础依托

    Based on enterprise commodity resources

    系统实现场景由众多可跨行业企业交 易的相关节点组成

    The system implementation scenario consists of numerous related nodes that can be traded across industry enterprises

  • 采用数字化全智能配置方式

    Adopting a digital fully intelligent configuration method

    所涉及到的技术范围均已获得了30 余项保护范围的发明专利证书

    The technical scope involved has obtained over 30 invention patent certificates with protection scope

{{isChinese? '难点和痛点':'Difficulties and pain points'}}


The global economic downturn has resulted in the inability to achieve economic expectations for the value of corporate goods, leading to severe shortages of funds and even the occurrence of fund chain disruptions. The debt problem is complex and severe. Therefore, in this situation, enterprises have undoubtedly formed a huge demand market for goods sales and procurement issues.

  • 高效率同步解决了包括企业“商品资源库存” 严重在内的“销售+采购”的迫切需求

    Efficient and synchronized solution to the urgent demand for "sales+procurement", including severe inventory of enterprise "commodity resources"

  • 完全打破了传统易货必须以互为需求为先决条件的限制

    Completely breaking the restriction that traditional barter must be based on mutual demand as a prerequisite

{{isChinese? '优势和亮点':'Advantages and highlights'}}

  • 企业免费入驻及参与商品 资源的数字化匹配交易

    Free entry and participation of enterprises in digital matching transactions of commodity resources

  • 无需借助第三方资源

    No need to leverage third-party resources

  • 无需借助或使用任何形式的“虚拟 代币”及任何形式的会展模式

    No need to resort to or use any form of "virtual token" or any form of exhibition mode

  • 直接为企业降低经营成本 50%以上

    Directly reduce operating costs for enterprises by more than 50%

  • 实现了企业利益最大化 成本最小化的经济目标

    Achieved the economic goal of maximizing enterprise benefits and minimizing costs

  • 实现了科技为企业数字化赋能的目标

    Achieved the goal of empowering enterprises with digitalization through technology

  • 解决了企业在资金不足继而导致 经营困难状态中的“难点和痛点”

    Solved the "difficulties and pain points" of enterprises in the state of insufficient funds leading to operational difficulties

  • 加强了一般贸易金融通道的 安全性

    Strengthening the security of general trade and financial channels


Enterprise Application for Residency Process


No technology required, just five steps to settle in

  • 企业申请入驻

    Enterprise application for entry

  • 填写企业资料 和企业资质

    Fill in enterprise information and qualifications

  • 完成资质审核并 提交商品信息

    Complete qualification review and submit product information

  • 完成入驻

    Complete settlement

  • 上传商品资源 及采购需求

    Upload product resources and procurement requirements

{{isChinese? '匹配交易方法':'Matching transaction method'}}


Fully intelligent digital closed-loop matching and multi chain synchronous integration, achieving precise matching and trading of commodity resources.


By combining offline services, we can help enterprises overcome the difficulties of data uploading for entry and product resources, and help them complete the smooth execution of smart contracts.

{{isChinese? '物流及保险':'Logistics and Insurance'}}


Using technical means to monitor the real-time dynamicsof
product resources throughout the online process

{{isChinese? '立即入驻':'Immediate entry'}} {{isChinese? '立即入驻':'Immediate entry'}}

{{isChinese? '文化和价值观':'Culture and Values'}}

{{isChinese? '使命':'Mission'}}

{{isChinese? '让企业经营更简单':'Make business operations simpler'}}

{{isChinese? '愿景':'Vision'}}


Let every enterprise go to Zhonghong Tianrui

{{isChinese? '价值观(六脉神剑)':'Values (Six Meridian Divine Sword)'}}


Customer First:Serve enterprise customers, prioritize customers, and provide ultimate service


Sharing and win-win: Open and win-win mindset, cooperate with each other to achieve goals, be willing to share knowledge and experience, and grow together


Passion beyond: Dare to break through, not afraid of failure, good at summarizing, positive and optimistic


Proactive and responsible: responsible, efficient and proactive in meeting tasks and challenges, constantly learning, and pursuing excellence


Integrity: Abide by national laws and company systems, prioritize personal ethics, and adhere to the principles of honesty and trustworthiness


Ultimate focus: focus on career, industry, and profession. A craftsman's spirit of focusing on achieving the ultimate results


The pain points of others are our highlights


Taking customers as the center, striving for excellence, and building a community of shared future with business operators, we strive for common development, value creation, shared benefits, and win-win future. The difficulties and pain points of others are our highlights!


Recognition from over 200000 companies


Join us and immediately embark on your journey of Zhonghong Tianrui

{{isChinese? '企业申请入驻':'Enterprise application for entry'}} {{isChinese? '企业申请入驻':'Enterprise application for entry'}}